The Chinese influence in Peruvian food is one thing that gives it an edge - (warning, history lesson ahead) Peru was the first south American country to outlaw slavery (in 1854), and consequently had to import the cheapest labor available at the time - Chinese peasants (which is true today as well, for that matter). So now there are third and fourth generation Peruvian Chinese and their food has worked it's way into the cuisine. One of my favorite desserts are deep fried churro sticks with cinnamon sugar on them, filled with warm chocolate pudding, and served with a steaming cup of hot fudge to dip them in. I can't help but ask, why is Middle Eastern food so lame? They've had three times as long to perfect it and they've barely moved beyond dry pita bread and beans.
I take Alexa to her nursery in the mornings and for the few hours she is being entertained there I do what I do best, wander the streets getting t
She also had her first trip to the dentist's torture chair and had to have some teeth cleaned, which she did not like. They gave her a pill that was supposed to calm her down but it didn't work. We also went to a new water fountain park in downtown Lima with some fountains you can play in, others that put on a show like the Bellagio, and others that spray water everywhere and they play movies and laser shows on them. It was pretty cool, but I miss-stepped on one fountain and got a jet of water straight in the gut. Then one fountain you walk through this tunnel of water and Alexa freaked out and almost had a nervous breakdown. It was pretty traumatic for both of us, I think we'll stay away from there for a wh
The weather is wet and misty and pretty dismal, but the coldest it gets is around 65 degrees, and while people walk around in big winter jackets Vanessa wears flip flops and I wear a t-shirt or sweatshirt.
I hear that most of my collegues that studied Arabic with me in Syria are not finding it too easy to find a job, even being some of the most advanced Arabic speakers in the country. Nobody wants to give them a clearance after they've lived in Syria - even though it was the government that sent them to Syria in the first place. Hopefully things will look better when I start searching next year. In the meantime I've found a Palestinian woman in Lima married to a Peruvian and will meet with her twice a week for conversation so as not to fall behind the curve.
1 comment:
Glad you're finding new interests in Lima. It looks really pretty from your limited pictures. I am sure Alexa loves having her Dad around again. Give my best to Vanessa.
Enjoy your cold winter...
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